Liver Cancer
This site is a resource built by patients, physicians and scientists at Johns Hopkins. The site developed out of a commitment to improve the quality of information and resources available.
The information provided here is aimed at patients, their family, physicians and researchers so each can explore and better understand liver cancer. We want this site to be a valuable resource to you and encourage you to visit regularly to get updated information about clinical trials, research, resources, special events, on-line discussions with others facing the disease.

Contact Us
Getting a second opinion on your pathology diagnosis can clarify or even change a diagnosis. This can affect prognosis as well as therapy, and adds important data that contributes to a larger cause: making sure every diagnosis of liver cancer, everywhere, is as accurate as possible.

In the United States approximately 10,000 new patients are diagnosed with primary liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma) each year. This is the most common type of cancer to arise in the liver.

How We Can Help
The Liver Pathology Service of Johns Hopkins Hospital provides expert second opinions within 24 hours of sample receipt. We also provide resources for current clinical trials that are testing new treatment methods against current standards of care.

Our Expertise
Johns Hopkins has a team approach to combating liver cancer. Our pathologists have international recognition and are committed in providing the best clinical care services.