Johns Hopkins University Founders Wall
At Johns Hopkins, we have a monument to generosity—a special commemorative Founders Wall, located on the Johns Hopkins University Homewood campus. It is a permanent testament to the fact that the University was built on philanthropy. The first name engraved on the Wall is that of Mr. Johns Hopkins. With a remarkable $7 million bequest in 1873, he established the Johns Hopkins University and Hospital, changing the face of higher education and medical care in America.
Engraved along with Mr. Hopkins’ name are the other visionary partners who have equaled his commitment to the institution. Dennis Troper and Susan Wojcicki are members of that extraordinary group of individuals who have made tremendous progress possible and we are enormously grateful for their significant investment in continuing the important work begun by Mr. Hopkins.

Susan Wojcicki, Dr. Ralph Hruban

Stanley Wojcicki, Dr. Ralph Hruban, Susan Wojcicki, Esther Wojcicki, and President Ron Daniels

Dr. Jonathan Schneck, Dr. Ralph Hruban, Irena Stein, Dennis Troper, Dr. Nick Roberts

Johns Hopkins University 2014 Commencement

Susan Wojcicki, Dr. Ralph Hruban