The 19th Autoimmunity Day was held on June 14, 2019.

June 14, 2019
8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Tilghman Auditorium and Turner Concourse

Attention Autoimmunity Day attendees: 

View the original program

Morning Session Chair: Erika Darrah, PhD
8:00 am Breakfast and Poster set-up
9:00 am Mario Caturegli. MD, MPH: Welcome and Opening Remarks
9:05 am Noel Rose, MD, PhD: "History and Meaning of Autoimmunity Day"
9:15 am Livia Casciola-Rosen, PhD and Ami Shah, MD, MHS: "Autoantibodies: Tools to Define Scleroderma Subgroups with Distinct Relationships to Cancer"
9:45 am Suzanne Topalian, MD: "Keynote Address: PD-1 Blockade in Cancer Therapy: The Interface Between Anti-Tumor and Anti-Self Immunity"
10:45 am Daniela Cihakova, MD, PhD: "Connections Between Autoimmunity and Immune-Related Adverse Events of Checkpoint Inhibitors Blockade"
11:15 am John Probasco, MD: "Neurological Immune Related Adverse Events after Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Therapy"
11:45 am Lunch and Poster session
Afternoon Session Chair: Tory Johnson, PhD
1:15 pm Everett Meyer, MD, PhD - Keynote Address: "Strategies to Develop hematopoietic Mixed Chimerism and Modified T Regulatory Cells for Immune Tolerance Induction
2:15 pm Jonathan Schneck, MD, PhD: "Engineering Anti-Tumor Immunity for Cancer Immunotherapy
2:45 pm Abstract Winner - Basic Science
3:00 pm Abstract Winner - Clinical Science
3:15 pm Mario Caturegli, MD, MPH: Poster awards and closing remarks
3:30 pm Coffee, cookies, and conversation