Grading and classification of brain tumors is based on examination of tumor tissue after surgery under a microscope and represents an important component of the pathology report.

Collection of Pathology Slides
The range of appearances and types of brain tumors is wide, encompassing >100 different types!

Grading and Classification

Tumor grade refers to a scale, generally ranging from I to IV, that reflects the potential aggressiveness of the tumor type.

Grade I-II tumors may be classified as low grade and less aggressive, whereas Grade III-IV tumors may be classified as high grade and more aggressive.

The pathologist uses a variety of microscopic features to arrive at a specific grade, including proliferative activity, and the presence of adverse features such as proliferative vessels and necrosis. Criteria and recommendations for grading are generally outlined in the WHO Classification, which is updated every several years by experts in tumor diagnosis, and represents an important widely respected standard for classification and grading. This information helps neurooncologists select the appropriate treatment for the specific tumor type.

An Accurate Diagnosis is Essential

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