
Our Division

The Division of Neuropathology at Johns Hopkins is committed to diagnosing and curing diseases affecting the brain. With the explosion in knowledge of basic neurobiology and the advances in understanding of the genetic, molecular and cellular bases of diseases, there has been no time of greater promise for discovering how to treat patients suffering from conditions affecting the nervous system. The Johns Hopkins Division of Neuropathology has made numerous important discoveries in complex diseases including brain tumors, traumatic brain injury, Alzheimer's disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's Disease), and is advancing the use of stem cells for treating some of these conditions. Our Division also contains a strong group of clinically trained neuropathologists expert in the microscopic diagnosis of brain tumors, neurodegenerative diseases, and forensic lesions. Patients or physicians can consult with or obtain a 2nd opinion from our faculty.

About Us

The Neuropathology Division is made up of a diverse group of clinicians and scientists focused on understanding and treating diseases of the nervous system. The 12 faculty work on a broad range of conditions, including Alzheimer's disease, ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease), and other neurodegenerative diseases, brain tumors, traumatic brain injury, autism, and schizophrenia. The faculty are assisted by numerous clinical fellows and research fellows, technicians, graduate and undergraduate students, and administrative staff. The Division is centered on the 4th floor of the Ross Research Building, and this location includes the Brain Resource Center and all of the laboratories dedicated to research on neurodegenerative diseases and other non-neoplastic conditions. Surgical Neuropathology is located in the Zayed Building, while the Brain Tumor Research Group is housed on the 4th floor of the Smith Building, along with ophthalmic pathology.

The Division was founded by Dr. Don Price, who made numerous fundamental contributions to our understanding of the cellular and molecular basis of Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, ALS, and other conditions. Drs. Wong, Li and others have been active in developing transgenic mouse disease models which are now being used to test and optimize new therapies for these devastating conditions. In parallel to these murine studies, Drs. Troncoso, Nauen, Morris and Martin have played a major role in defining the changes in human brains donated by patients who suffered from these diseases. By comparing human and mouse tissues, the researchers and physicians in our Division make sure that our pre-clinical therapeutic models faithfully recapitulate the diseases being studied.

This general approach is now being extended to other diseases such as traumatic brain injury (Drs. Koliatsos and Troncoso), as well as peripheral nerve disease and seizures (Drs. Ho and Nauen). Brain and eye tumors represent another major research and clinical focus in the Division. Drs. Eberhart and Lucas have active research programs focused on improving the diagnosis and treatment of these frequently debilitating or fatal neoplasms.

Charles G. Eberhart, M.D., Ph.D.
Director of Neuropathology and Ophthalmic Pathology
Professor of Pathology, Oncology, and Ophthalmology

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