Professor of Oncology, Pathology, Medicine and Epidemiology, Dr. Alison Klein is a trained genetic epidemiologist/statistical geneticist specializing in pancreatic disorders, including pancreatic cancer and its risk factors. Dr. Klein has studied the genetic epidemiology of pancreatic cancer for over 20 years. She is Director of the National Familial Pancreas Tumor Registry, the largest registry of familial pancreatic cancer in the world. Currently over 7,500 families have enrolled in this registry including over 2,500 with familial pancreatic cancer (defined as a kindred with at least a pair of first-degree relatives with pancreatic cancer). Her long-term interests include understanding the genetic and environmental risk factors that cause GI disorders, and developing risk prediction models for diseases of the pancreas and GI cancers. Dr. Klein’s work has laid the foundation for much of our understanding of inherited basis of pancreatic cancer. In collaboration others at the Sol Goldman Pancreatic Cancer Research Center, she recently helped to lead the efforts that identified PALB2 and ATM as a causes of familial pancreatic cancer. Dr. Klein is PI of a NCI/CIDR supported multi-center GWAS for pancreatic cancer and a U01 focused on understanding the genetic of pancreatic cancer in African American and European Ancestry pancreatic cancer patients. Dr. Klein is Director of the Johns Hopkins SPORE in Gastrointestinal cancer. A major focus of her research is to identify risk factors for the progression of pancreatic cancer, including risk factors for the development and progression of IPMN.

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Alison Klein, Ph.D., M.H.S.
The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
[email protected]
1550 Orleans Street
CRB II, Rm 303
Baltimore, MD, 21231 USA
Phone 410-955-3511
Fax 410-614-0671