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Sol Goldman Pancreatic Cancer Research Center plaque

Unlocking PanINs: A 3D Genetic Exploration

May 04, 2024

The team at Hopkins just published a major paper on precancerous lesions in the pancreas. This paper, published in the journal Nature, describes a study conducted by Ashley Kiemen, Laura Wood, Denis Wirtz, Ralph Hruban,... Keep Reading >>

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10th Annual International Think Tank

Apr 04, 2024

The 2024 Sol Goldman Pancreatic Cancer Center International Think Tank on Artificial Intelligence was a wonderful success. The think tank was organized and led by Laura Wood. The over 800 people who registered heard from leading experts from around the world, including Juan Lavista Ferres, Soren ... Keep Reading >>

Sol Goldman Pancreatic Cancer Research Center plaque

Think Tank 2024

Mar 07, 2024

The 10th Annual Sol Goldman Pancreatic Cancer Research Center Think Tank
Hosted by Ralph Hruban, M.D., and Laura Wood, M.D., Ph.D.
April 3, 2024
08:45 AM - 12:00 PM EST

... Keep Reading >>


Cigarette Smoking

Nov 07, 2023

Cigarette smoking is one of the leading preventable causes of pancreatic cancer. In most studies, smoking cigarettes doubles one’s risk of developing pancreatic cancer. Veronica Setiawan and colleagues from the University of Southern California just completed a study of cigarette smoking, and the... Keep Reading >>

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2023 Think Tank A Success!

May 25, 2023

The 9th Annual Sol Goldman Pancreatic Cancer Research Center International Think Tank was held on May 24th, 2023. Experts from around the world gathered virtually to discuss the stroma in pancreatic cancer. The meeting was hosted by Laura Wood, M.D., Ph.D.

The speakers and session moderato... Keep Reading >>

PanCAN Visit 2023 - group pic

PanCAN Visit

May 22, 2023

On Sunday, May 21st, members of PanCAN Washington D.C./Baltimore visited the pancreatic cancer team at Johns Hopkins to learn about our clinical, research and educational efforts. Visitors from PanCAN had the opportunity to meet with members of the Hopkins team in small groups. This allowed for p... Keep Reading >>