Cancerization of Ducts

It was recognized that infiltrating cancers can extend into pancreatic ducts and ductules. When they do, they may mimic PanIN-3 lesions. An infiltrating carcinoma in close proximately to a duct lesion and an abrupt transition from a highly atypical lesion to normal duct epithelium should both suggest the possibility of cancerization of the duct or ductule. In these cases, serial (step) sections may be helpful in defining the relationship of the duct lesion to the infiltrating carcinoma.

  • Cancerization of Ducts 1

  • Cancerization of Ducts 2

  • Cancerization of Ducts 3

  • Cancerization of Ducts 4

  • Cancerization of Ducts 5

Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasms (IPMNs)

IPMNs are mucinous epithelial neoplasms which involve the main pancreatic duct or its major branches. They are larger than PanINs and therefore usually visible grossly or by radiologic imaging. IPMNs may extend into small ducts. In these cases serial (step) sections may be helpful in defining the relationship of the two lesions.

  • IPMN

  • IPMN

  • IPMN

  • IPMN

  • IPMN

Mucinous Cystic Neoplasms

Mucinous cystic neoplasms are characterized by the presence of ovarian stroma and the absence of a connection to the duct system. These features and the larger size of mucinous cystic neoplasms help distinguish mucinous cystic neoplasms from PanINs.

  • Mcn a

  • Mcn b

  • Mcn c

  • Mcn d

  • Mcn e