The Robert H. Heptinstall Fellowship Fund
Support a Pathology Fellow
The Robert H. Heptinstall Fellowship Fund was established in February 1999 to honor Robert H. Heptinstall, M.D., former Baxley Professor and Director of Pathology, and author of the classic textbook, "Heptinstall's Pathology of the Kidney." As Baxley Professor and Director, Heppy led the Department from the microscope age into the modern molecular age and served as a mentor to over 200 residents and fellows. The Robert H. Heptinstall Fellowship is designed to promote the research activities or clinical training of outstanding young pathologists pursuing careers in research.
If you would like to honor Dr. Robert Heptinstall's legacy, please consider making a tax-deductible contribution in his honor to the Robert H. Heptinstall Fellowship Fund through the Department of Pathology's secure online giving form by clicking the button below.
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