Johns Hopkins Dome (PathPhoto)


Learn More About...

Click each section below to read more about our department's history, faculty and resident catalog, endowed lectures, history of Johns Hopkins, and the Obama-Baxley connection.

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Department of Pathology History

The Department of Pathology has played a significant role in the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions since the opening of the hospital in 1889 and the School of Medicine four years later. Indeed, Pathology was one of the original departments created.

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Faculty & Resident Catalog

The Pathology Faculty and Resident Catalog features all faculty members (No.= 1,022) and residents (No.= 555) of the Pathology Department from the opening of the Johns Hopkins Hospital (May 15, 1889) to academic year 2013-14.

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Endowed Lectures

We have three endowed lectures in our department: Shelley Lectureship, Eggleston Lectureship, and the Sanfilippo Lectureship.

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Celebrating the History of Johns Hopkins

The Johns Hopkins Hospital has long been known as one of the greatest medical institutions in the United States and around the world. However, many people do not know how it became such a powerhouse in the field of medicine.

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The Obama-Baxley Connection

In his 1929 collection of short stories Everything is Different, the Hungarian author Frigyes Karinthy introduced the concept that every person on this planet is "linked" to every other person by at most six degrees of separation. This theory was expanded upon over the ensuing decades...