Our Fellowships
The Department of Pathology offers a variety of post-doctoral fellowship positions to individuals with MD, PhD, DVM, and equivalent degrees.
Fellowship programs—which offer a period of intensive, specialized experience—are often the optimal way to achieve expertise in a research field, especially at the level needed for an academic career. A fellowship is also an excellent way to obtain in-depth exposure to subspecialty diagnostic pathology. We offer various pathology fellowship opportunities that meet both research and subspecialty training objectives.
Structured Fellowships
Structured fellowship opportunities are described in the fellowship section of the Directory of Pathology Training Programs (published annually by the Intersociety Committee on Pathology Information). All faculty listed in the directory welcome inquiries about their research program and training opportunities.

Individual Fellowships
Individual fellowships provide the opportunity for those with a doctoral degree to gain one or more years of in-depth experience in a specific research area. These should be arranged on an ad hoc basis with a faculty member. On a case-by-case basis it is also possible to enter a research fellowship with a faculty member in another department in the School of Medicine.
Contact Us
Application forms and instructions for applying appear on each individual fellowship page.
For general inquiries about Pathology fellowships:
Cheng-Ying Ho, M.D., Ph.D., Director of Clinical Fellowship Programs
Richard Roden, Ph.D., Director of Research Fellowship Programs
Nancy Nath, MBA, Medical Training Program Manager
For information about fellowships not specific to Pathology, visit the Johns Hopkins Office of Postdoctoral Affairs website.