Drs Tasha Larman and Maged Zeineldin

Research Laboratories

The breadth and depth of research in our department is remarkable!

Bond Street Labs

Alan K. Meeker, Ph.D. | Abnormal telomere biology as related to cancer initiation and tumor progression

Visit the Bond Street Labs website

Gene gun
The "gene gun" transfers genes into living organisms

Cervical Cancer Research Laboratory

T.C. Wu, M.D., Ph.D. and Chien-Fu Hung, Ph.D. | Vaccine development and immunotherapeutic strategies for HPV-associated cervical cancer

Visit the lab website

The Cihakova Myocarditis Laboratory

Daniela Čiháková, M.D., Ph.D., D(ABMLI) | Myocarditis, dilated cardiomyopathy, autoimmune disease

Visit the Cihakova Lab website

The Brain & Eye Tumor Laboratory

Charles G. Eberhart, M.D., Ph.D., Eric H. Raabe M.D., Ph.D., and Jeffrey AH Rubens, M.D. | Tumors of the brain and the eye

Visit the Brain & Eye Tumor Lab website

Brain Injury and Degeneration

Vassilis Koliatsos, M.D. | Traumatic brain injury, neurodegenerative diseases

Visit the Brain Injury and Degeneration Lab website

The Hamad Laboratory

Abdel-Rahim A. Hamad, M.V.Sc., Ph.D. | Type 1 diabetes and double negative αβT cells

Visit the Hamad Lab website

HPTN Laboratory Center

Susan Eshleman, M.D., Ph.D. and Mark Marzinke, Ph.D. | QA assessment for clinical trials units participating in HPTN clinical trials

Visit the HPTN Laboratory Center website

The Huang Laboratory

Chuan-Hsiang (Bear) Huang, MD, PhD | The signaling network involving receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs)

Visit the Huang Lab website

The James Laboratory

Aaron James, M.D., Ph.D. | Bone pathophysiology and stem cell biology

Visit the James Lab website

The Kiemen Laboratory

Ashley Lynn Kiemen, Ph.D., M.S. | 3D pathology, deep learning, quantitative anatomical mapping, pancreatic cancer tumorigenesis and invasion

Visit the Kiemen Lab website

Clarity mouse brain
Mouse brain rendered transparent with CLARITY to identify axonal abnormalities

The Koliatsos Laboratory

Vassilis Koliatsos, M.D. | Traumatic brain injury, neurodegenerative diseases

Visit the Koliatsos Lab website

The H. Larman Lab of Precision Immunology

H. Benjamin Larman, Ph.D. | Developing and deploying cutting edge technologies that can be used to define human immune responses at cohort scale

Visit the H. Larman Lab website

The T. Larman Laboratory

Tatianna Larman, M.D. | Intestinal epithelial biology and colorectal cancer initiation

Visit the T. Larman Lab website

Primary Gleason Pattern
Primary Gleason Pattern 5 Prostate Cancer

The Lotan Laboratory

Tamara Lotan, M.D., Ph.D. | Epithelial development, tumor progression, tissue-based biomarkers in prostate cancer

Visit the Lotan Lab website

The Maynard Laboratory

Janielle Maynard, Ph.D. | Immunobiological factors of cancer health disparities

Visit the Maynard Lab website

Molecular Genetics of Female Reproductive Cancer Laboratory

Tian-Li Wang, Ph.D. and Ie-Ming Shih, M.D., Ph.D. | Molecular etiology of female reproductive cancers, chemoresistance in ovarian cancer

Visit the lab website

Neurofibrilliary tangle and reactive astrocytes
Tau neurofibrillary tangle (red) and reactive astrocytes (green) in Alzheimer's disease.

The Morris Laboratory

Meaghan Morris, M.D., Ph.D. | Molecular pathways involved in Aging and Dementia

Visit the Morris Lab website

The Nauen Laboratory

David Nauen, M.D., Ph.D. | Medial temporal lobe epilepsy

Visit the Nauen Lab website

The Rosenberg Laboratory

Avi Z Rosenberg, M.D., Ph.D. | Mechanisms of chronic kidney disease

Visit the Rosenberg Lab website

The Sadegh-Nasseri Laboratory

Scheherazade Sadegh-Nasseri, Ph.D. | Antigen presentation, recognition and processing

Visit the Sadegh-Nasseri Lab website

Superparamagnetic artificial antigen
Superparamagnetic artificial antigen presenting cells are clustered on the surface of a T cell

The Schneck Laboratory

Jonathan Schneck, M.D., Ph.D. | Immunology, cancer immunotherapy

Visit the Schneck Lab website

The Sfanos Laboratory

Karen Sandell Sfanos, Ph.D. | Cellular and molecular pathology of prostate disease

Visit the Sfanos Lab website

The Wong Laboratory

Philip C. Wong, Ph.D. | Biology of TDP-43 and its pathophysiology in Alzheimer's, Inclusion Body Myositis and ALS-FTD

Visit the Wong Lab website

The Wood Laboratory

Laura D. Wood, M.D., Ph.D. | Pancreatic cancer, molecular alterations that underlie multi-step tumorigenesis

Visit the Wood Lab website

Research labs that have their own website are listed here. There are additional research labs in the Department of Pathology that do not have websites.