Prenatal Array
Ordering Information
Epic Orderable Name: Prenatal Array
Epic Test Id: LAB46448
Testing Includes: SNP-based microarray analysis
Aliases: array, snp, prenatal, comparative microarray analysis, CMA, microarray, Cytogenomics, Cytogenetics, Cytogenetic analysis
Testing Schedule: Weekly
Turnaround Time: 14 Days
Order Priorities: Routine
Methodology: Microarray
Ordering Restrictions: Insurance pre-authorization is required or let the patient know they may be charged for testing.
This test is for ongoing pregnancies only.
Specimen Requirements
Specimen - NOTE: This test is for ongoing pregnancies only.
- Minimum 20 mg
- Optimal >30 mg
- To add additional testing would require 10 mg per test, meaning >30 mg (if FISH requested with karyotype and CMA).
- Place in transport media provided; store and transport at room temperature; DO NOT FREEZE; DO NOT PUT IN FORMALIN. Do not send entire placenta to cytogenetics.
- CMA testing on the direct specimen will depend on quality and quantity of available processed ("cleaned") villi.
- Call for transport media or to arrange specimen delivery (tube to station 072, courier deliver or lab pick up). LAB phone: 410-955-3476; specimens will be received M-F, between 8am and 4:30pm
Amniotic Fluid
- Minimum 20 mL
- Optimal >30 mL
- Typically 10-15 mL for testing on direct (GA >17 weeks) or cultured cells. To add additional testing would require an additional 10 mL per test, meaning >30 mL (if FISH requested with karyotype and CMA).
- Store and transport at room temperature - DO NOT FREEZE.
- Use multiple 15 mL centrifuge tubes or contact the lab for a sterile container.
- CMA testing on the direct specimen will depend on size and quality of pellet.
- Call for transport media or to arrange specimen deliver (tube to station 072, courier deliver or lab pick up).
LAB phone: 410-955-3476; specimens will be received M-F, between 8am and 4:30pm
Specimen Types: Chorionic Villi, Amniotic Fluid
Lab Notes:
NOTE: This test is for ongoing pregnancies only.
Lab specimen shipping address, deliver to:
Johns Hopkins Cytogenomics/Cytogenetics Lab
600 N Wolfe Street
Baltimore, MD 21287
LAB phone: 410-955-3476; specimens will be received M-F, between 8am and 4:30pm
Results in EPIC under Lab Results
Downtime: Use the Prenatal Laboratory form
Billing Information
Price: $0.00
Outside Customer Price: Call for price.
Price Disclaimer: Prices listed are estimated. Actual prices may vary slightly.