Research lab scientist

Details & Awards

27th Annual Young Investigators' Day - Poster Session

TUESDAY, MAY 13, 2025

Eva Shrestha and Dr. Karen Sfanos
Eva Shrestha and Dr. Karen Sfanos

Presentation Details


The goal of this event is to provide a forum for scientific and personal interactions between trainees and faculty in the divisions and laboratories of the Department of Pathology. This event will highlight the high quality and variety of research training and research being performed in our department and will foster a sense of mutual interest and purpose.



Any Pathology fellow or resident who has presented or will present their work in any format at a national meeting between April 2024 and May 12, 2025 isrequired to present. Any trainee submitting an abstract comprising research conducted under a Department of Pathology-appointed faculty member; or Is enrolled as a current Pathobiology graduate student is eligible to present. All Pathology/Pathobiology Trainees are strongly encouraged to participate! Preliminary or published data in the areas of Basic Research, Translational Research and Clinical Research may be presented. 



*NOTE: There is a limit of 1 poster/abstract presentation permitted per presenter, however a second may be permitted with written permission from Stacey March or a PYID Director. Poster size is limited to 4’ x 8’. Easels and poster boards will be available for display purposes. Posters must be set up before 9:45 am on Tuesday, May 13th. A panel of faculty judges will conduct an open review and discuss posters with presenters between 10:00am and 3:30p.m, with our guest speaker presenting at Noon.

Presenters: Please plan to bring tacks, clips, etc. to attach your posters to the boards provided.



Beginning at noon in the Tilghman Auditorium, our guest speaker, Jeremy Nathans, M.D., Ph.D., Professor in Molecular Biology and Genetics; Neuroscience; and Ophthalmology at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine – Howard Hughes Medical Institute, will give a research presentation. If you are available, we would ask that you kindly plan to attend the lecture.



Upon recommendation of the panel of faculty judges, a prize for outstanding scientific contributions in clinical research, translational research, and in basic research will be awarded to the individuals whose presentations are judged to be the most outstanding examples of high-quality research and excellent presentation. A cash prize will be presented to the winners and their achievements will be announced at a Pathology Awards Ceremony to honor our awarded presentations on Thursday, June 12, 2025 (more details to be announced by the Path Training Office).

Presentation Schedule

10:00 a.m. — 11:45 a.m. (Session One)
Judges review and discuss posters with presenters.

12:00 noon — 1:00 p.m.
Jeremy Nathans, M.D., Ph.D. (Lecturer)
Professor in Molecular Biology and Genetics;
Neuroscience; and Ophthalmology
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Lecture Title: "Advice for Young Scientists"

1:00 p.m. — 1:30 p.m.
Boxed lunches served in concourse

1:30 p.m. — 3:00 p.m. (Session Two)
Judges review and discuss posters with presenters.

3:30 p.m. — 4:00 p.m. 
Judges and presenters wrap up discussions and posters are taken down.


Below are the awards for the 26th Annual Department of Pathology Young Investigators' Day - March 12, 2024

Excellence in Basic Research

Top Presenter: Bailey West, B.S.

Presenter Appointment Division Sr. Author Poster Title
Bailey West, B.S. Grad Stud (Patho) Heme Path Linda M.S. Resar, M.D. HMGA1 Modulates Chromatin State and Transcriptional Networks Involved in Plasticity in Refractory Myeloid Leukemia
David Elias, B.S. Grad Stud (MMI) Immunopath Daniela Čiháková, M.D., Ph.D. IL-1 signaling to inflammatory cardiac fibroblasts drives the pathogenesis of viral myocarditis
Neelima Thottappillil, Ph.D. Res Fellow Surg Path Aaron W. James, M.D., Ph.D. Integrated transcriptomic profiling of human blood vessels defines a spatially regulated niche for perivascular progenitor cells
Prajita Paul, Ph.D. Res Fellow Immunopath Abdel Rahim A Hamad, M.V.Sc., Ph.D. Understanding the role of a Novel Lymphocyte in the pathogenesis of Multiple Sclerosis and its potential as therapeutic targets

Excellence in Clinical Research

Top Presenters: Thomas D. Zaikos, M.D., Ph.D.

Presenter Appointment Division Sr. Author Poster Title
Thomas D. Zaikos, M.D., Ph.D. Housestaff Neuropath Meaghan Morris, M.D., Ph.D. Neuropathologic findings in a community-based autopsy cohort of older, virally-suppressed, people with HIV
Annie Wu, M.D., Ph.D. Housestaff GI-Liver Path Ralph Hruban, M.D. Distinctive Pathology Associated with Focal Stenosis of the Main Pancreatic Duct Secondary to Remote Trauma: A Long-Term Complication of Seat Belt Pancreatitis
Katherine Fomchenko, M.D. Housestaff Surg Path Lisa Rooper, M.D. Frozen Section Turnaround Time: Do We Need Institution-Specific Quality Metrics?
Mike Mikula, M.D. Housestaff Surg Path Lisa Rooper, M.D. Biphasic Sinonasal Adenocarcinomas with Recurrent BRAF V600E Mutations: Unique Seromucinous Analogues to Salivary Gland Tumors

Excellence in Translational Research

Top Presenter: Kirsten Bowland, Ph.D.

Presenter Appointment Division Sr. Author Poster Title
Kirsten Bowland, Ph.D. Grad Stud (CMM) GI-Liver Path James Eshleman, M.D., Ph.D. CRISPR-Cas9 genetic targeting of metastatic pancreatic cancer
Carolina Gomes Alexandre, M.D. Res Fellow Kidney Urologic Path Angelo De Marzo, M.D., Ph.D. Development of a chromogenic MultiPlex IHC assay and image analysis pipeline to interrogate immune suppressive myeloid cells in prostate cancer
Joseph Heinemann, M.D. Clin Fellow Immunopath Abdel Rahim A Hamad, M.V.Sc., Ph.D. Dual Expresser Lymphocyte Phenotype and Functional Properties in Type 1 Diabetes and Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
Jun (Tony) Choe, B.S. Grad Stud (Patho) Pediatric Oncology Challice Bonifant, M.D., Ph.D. Anti-B7-H3 chimeric antigen receptor NK cells suppress the growth of atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor orthotopic xenografts
Kaushal V. Asrani, MBBS, Ph.D. Research Associate Kidney Urologic Path Tamara Lotan, M.D. A Novel Murine Transgenic Model of SFPQ-TFE3-driven Renal Tumorigenesis: Mechanisms and Biomarkers
Ming-Hung (Lance) Hu, M.D. Res Fellow GYN Path T.C. Wu, M.D., M.P.H., Ph.D Platelet-associated tumor specific antigen delivery promotes CD40L-mediated anti-tumor immune response targeting in tumor microenvironment
Niklas Bachmann, B.Sc. Grad Stud (Patho) Medicine- Infec Dis Robert F. Siliciano, M.D., Ph.D. Targeting HIV-infected cells for immunotherapy through HLA-E
Rafid Al-Hallaf, Ph.D. Res Fellow Immunopath Abdel Rahim A Hamad, M.V.Sc., Ph.D. Targeting insulin autoreactive T cells and apoptotic cells using x-mAb cures T1D in the NOD mouse model
Selina Shiqing Teh, Ph.D. Res Fellow GI-Liver Path James Eshleman, M.D., Ph.D. CRISPR-Cas9 for selective targeting of somatic mutations in pancreatic cancers: A novel cancer gene therapy approach
Stephen Brown, B.S. Grad Stud (Patho) Neurology Charlotte J. Sumner, M.D. Characterizing the SMN transcript repertoire using long read Nanopore sequencing
Yeh Wang, M.D., Ph.D. Housestaff GYN/OB Ie-Ming Shih, M.D., Ph.D. Aneuploidy Landscape in Precursors of Ovarian Cancer

Past Years' Awards


25th Annual Department of Pathology Young Investigators' Day - March 28, 2023

Top Three Presenters in their Category

  • Basic: Nianbin (Nelson) Song, Ph.D.
  • Clinical: Taejoon Won, Ph.D. & Thomas D. Zaikos, M.D., Ph.D.
  • Translational: Katie Irwin, B.S.

Excellence in BASIC RESEARCH

Presenter Title Division Authors Poster Title
Nianbin (Nelson) Song, Ph.D. Research Fellow Immunopathology Nianbin Song, Robin Welsh, Scheherazade Sadegh-Nasseri Loss of HLA-DO function impairs the development of memory CD4 T cells
Jesus Contreras Rodriguez, B.Sc. Grad Student (MMI) Immunopathology Jesús Contreras Rodríguez, Adrian Martin Esteban, David Peske, Nilabh Shastri, Scheherazade Sadegh-Nasseri Decrypting pMHCI Diversity Through Noncanonical Translation Initiation
David M. Hughes, B.S. Grad Student (BME) Immunopathology David M. Hughes, Taejoon Won, Monica V. Talor, Hannah M. Kalinoski, Ivana Jurčová, Ondrej Szárszoi, Ilja Stříž, Lenka Čurnová, William Bracamonte-Baran, Vojtěch Melenovský, Daniela Čiháková GATA6+ Pericardial Macrophages Protect Pericardium but not Myocardium from Inflammation
Hannah M. Kalinoski, B.S., B.A. Grad Student (MMI) Immunopathology Hannah Kalinoski, Taejoon Won, Abdel Daoud, Vitali Rusinkevich, Ivana Jurčová, Monica Vladut Talor, David Hughes, Ondrej Szrászoi, Lenka Čurnova, Ilja Stříž, Jody E. Hooper, Vojtěch Melenovský, Daniela Čiháková Cardiac Injury Induced Myosin specific TRM cells Drive Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Myocarditis
Adrian Martin-Esteban, Ph.D. Research Fellow Immunopathology Martín-Esteban, Adrian, Ph.D., Contreras Rodriguez, Jesus, B.Sc., Peske David J., M.D., Ph.D., Jose A. Lopez de Castro Ph.D., Shastri, Nilabh, Ph.D., and Sadegh-Nasseri, Scheherazade, Ph.D. The ER Aminopeptidases, ERAP1 and ERAP2, Synergize to Self-Modulate their Respective Activities
Dongseok Park, Ph.D. Research Fellow Neuropathology Dongseok Park, Jennifer K. Lee, Lee J. Martin Cholecystokinin (CCK) Signaling as a Possible Mechanism in the Injury Response of Cerebral Cortex in a Novel Translationally-Relevant Porcine Model of Neonatal Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy

Excellence in Clinical Research

Presenter Title Division Authors Poster Title
Taejoon Won, Ph.D. Research Fellow Immunopathology Taejoon Won, Hannah M. Kalinoski, Megan K. Wood, David M. Hughes, Camille M. Jaime, Paul Delgado, Monica V. Talor, Ninaad Lasrado, Jay Reddy, Daniela Čiháková Cardiac myosin-specific autoimmune T cells contribute to the development of immune-checkpoint-inhibitor-associated myocarditis
Thomas D. Zaikos, M.D., Ph.D. Housestaff Neuropathology Thomas D. Zaikos, Mohammad Salimian, Meaghan Morris, Heather Ames, Cinthia Drachenberg, John C. Papadimitriou, Julia V Hegert, Cheng-Ying Ho Postmortem Assessment of Olfactory Tissue Injury and Microvasculopathy Associated with SARS-CoV-2 Variants
Annie Wu, M.D., Ph.D. Housestaff Neuropathology Annie A. Wu, Kevin Y. Zhang, Tara Srinivas, Joshua D. Materi, Christopher J. VandenBussche, Thomas Zaikos, Cheng-Ying Ho Neuropathologic Features and Underlying Medical Disease States of Spontaneous Subdural Hematomas in Adults: A Hospital Autopsy Case Series from a Single Tertiary Center

Excellence in Translational Research

Presenter Title Division Authors Poster Title
Katie Irwin, B.S. Grad Student (Neuroscience) Neuropathology Katherine E. Irwin, Pei Jasin, Kerstin E. Braunstein, Irika Sinha, Kyra D. Bowden, Abhay Moghekar, Esther S. Oh, Denitza Raitcheva, Dan Bartlett, James D. Berry, Bryan Traynor, Jonathan P. Ling, and Philip C. Wong A fluid biomarker reveals loss of TDP-43 splicing repression in pre-symptomatic ALS
Rafid Al-Hallaf, Ph.D. Research Fellow Immunopathology Rafid Al-Hallaf, Rizwan Ahmed, Zainab Agha, Adil Karim, Joseph Heinemann, Prajita Paul, Neha Majety, Thomas Donner, and Abdel Rahim A. Hamad A germline-encoded autoantibody - T cell axis in type 1 diabetes
Niklas Bachmann, B.Sc. Grad Student (Pathobiology) Medicine - Immunology and Infectious Diseases Niklas Bachmann, Srona Sengupta, Robert F. Siliciano Targeting HIV-infected cells for immunotherapy through HLA-E
Stephen Brown, B.S. Grad Student (Pathobiology) Neurology Stephen Brown, Daniel Ramos, Constantin d’Ydewalle, Charlotte Sumner Targeting the lncRNA SMN-AS1 as a potential therapy for SMA
Jiayu Chen, Ph.D. Research Fellow GU Pathology Jiayu Chen; Qizhi Zheng; Jessica L. Hicks; Levent Trabzonlu; Rulin Wang; Alan K.Meeker; Emmanuel S Antonarakis; Samuel R Denmeade; Mark C Markowski; Srinivasan Yegnasubramanian; Angelo M. De Marzo An in situ approach reveals increased mitochondrial DNA copy number and mitochondrial gene expression in prostate cancer
Masnsen Cherief, Ph.D. Research Fellow Surgical Pathology Masnsen Cherief, Jiajia Xu, Zhao Li,Stefano Negri, Mario Gomez-Salazar, Cammy Tang, Sowmya Ramesh, Lingke Zhong, Robert Tower, Benjamin Levi, Aaron W. James Skeletal nerves modulate tendon sheath progenitor cell proliferation during tendon repair via TGFβ signaling
Jun (Tony) Choe, B.S. Grad Student (Pathobiology) Oncology Jun Choe, Sachiv Chakravarti, Natalie Holl, Arjun Modi, Ruyan Rahnama, Stamatia Vorri, Eric H. Raabe, Challice L. Bonifant Anti-B7H3 Chimeric Antigen Receptor NK cells for high-risk pediatric brain tumors
Logan George, B.S. Grad Student (Pathobiology) Oncology Logan George, Lisa Haley, Prisca Mbonu, Jennifer Petr, Samantha Vogt, Rena R. Xian, & Richard Ambinder Epstein-Barr Virus C promoter methylation serves as a biomarker for EBV-associated cancers


24th Annual Department of Pathology Young Investigators' Day - March 30, 2022 (Virtual Event)

Top Three Presenters in their Category

  • Basic: Diego Lema, M.D., Ph.D.
  • Clinical: Harsimar Kaur, MBBS
  • Translational: Liwei Cao, Ph.D.

Excellence in BASIC RESEARCH

Presenter Title Division Senior Author Poster Title
Diego Lema, M.D., Ph.D. Research Fellow Immunopathology Daniela Čiháková, M.D., Ph.D. A monoclonal antibody blocking IL-1 receptor accessory protein reduces acute viral myocarditis severity
Yunong Bai Undergraduate Student (Biomedical Engineering) Neuropathology David W. Nauen, M.D., Ph.D. Harnessing tissue clearing and machine vision to identify changes in human hippocampal microcirculation in Alzheimer’s disease
Chan-Su Park, Ph.D. Research Fellow Immunopathology Scheherazade Sadegh-Nasseri, Ph.D. Fam49b dampens TCR signal strength to regulate survival of positively selected thymocytes
J. David Peske, M.D., Ph.D. Immunopathology Scheherazade Sadegh-Nasseri, Ph.D.; Chun Jimmie Ye, Ph.D. Selection of a common ERAP2 haplotype elicits antigenic viral responses
Cornelia Peterson, DVM, Ph.D. Research Fellow Charles G. Eberhart, M.D., Ph.D. Contribution of MYC copy number gain and mutations in tumor suppressor genes to the oncogenesis of ocular adnexal sebaceous carcinomas
Monali Praharaj, B.S. Jelani C. Zarif, M.S., Ph.D. Glutamine blockade via prodrug JHU083 reprograms immunosuppressive tumor associated macrophages (TAMs) and drives tumor immunity in urologic cancers
Nianbin (Nelson) Song, Ph.D. Research Fellow Immunopathology Scheherazade Sadegh-Nasseri, Ph.D. Investigating a role for HLA-DO in the development of CD4 Memory cells
Robin Welsh, Ph.D. Research Fellow Immunopathology Scheherazade Sadegh-Nasseri, Ph.D. HLA-DO promotes Treg differentiation by altering thymic antigen presentation

Excellence in Clinical Research

Presenter Title Division Senior Author Poster Title
Harsimar Kaur, MBBS Housestaff Surgical Pathology Marissa J. White, M.D. Clinical Pathology Web Unknowns: A Case-Based Repository of Core CP Teaching Points
Michael Mikula, M.D. Housestaff GI/Liver Pathology Lisa M. Rooper, M.D. Sinonasal High Grade Neuroendocrine Carcinomas: A Clinicopathological and Immunohistochemical Re-Appraisal
Taejoon Won, Ph.D. Research Fellow Immunopathology Daniela Čiháková, M.D., Ph.D. Pericardial fluid CCR2+ macrophages promote tissue damage in patients with ischemic heart disease

Excellence in Translational Research

Presenter Title Division Senior Author Poster Title
Liwei Cao, Ph.D. Research Fellow Clinical Chemistry Hui Zhang, Ph.D. Proteogenomic characterization of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
Carli Jones, B.S. Graduate Student (Pathobiology) GU Pathology Karen S. Sfanos, M.S., Ph.D. The microbial metabolite equol as a radiosensitizer and therapeutic agent in prostate cancer
Kristen Malebranche, B.S. Research Technician (Cell Biology) Ophthalmology Eric Raabe, M.D., Ph.D.; Jeffrey Rubens, M.D. The PI3K inhibitor Paxalisib combines synergistically with the pan-Raf inhibitor TAK580 (DAY 101) to extend survival in orthotopic xenograft models of atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumors
Puwanat ("A") Sangkhapreecha, B.S. Graduate Student (Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering) Immunopathology H. Benjamin Larman, Ph.D. Multiplexing of DNA-protein conjugation and its applications in protein-protein interaction studies
Yeh Wang, M.D. Graduate Student (Pathobiology) Gynecologic Pathology Ie-Ming Shih, M.D., Ph.D. Transcriptomic Analysis in Ovarian Cancer Precursors Reveals Reactivation of Insulin Growth Factor Binding Protein-2 in Pathogenesis


23rd Annual Department of Pathology Young Investigators' Day - March19, 2021 (Virtual Event)

Top Three Presenters in their Category

  • Basic: Shaopeng Wang, Ph.D.
  • Clinical: Gabrielle Bailey, M.D.
  • Translational: Ariel Isser, B.S.

Excellence in BASIC RESEARCH

Presenter Title Division Senior Author Poster Title
Shaopeng Wang, Ph.D. Research Fellow Neuropathology Shuying Sun, Ph.D. Nuclear export and translation of circular repeat-containing intronic RNA in C9ORF72-ALS/FTD
Rizwan Ahmed, Ph.D. Research Fellow Immunopathology Abdel Rahim A Hamad, M.V.Sc., Ph.D. x-mAb produced by dual expresser lymphocytes identifies a universal autoreactive T cell receptor
Kusuma Ananth, B.A. Graduate Student (Immunology) Immunopathology Abdel Rahim A Hamad, M.V.Sc., Ph.D. Understanding the Role of a Novel Lymphocyte in the Pathogenesis of Multiple Sclerosis May Lead to New Specific Immunotherapy
Wei-Yu Chi, M.D. Research Fellow GYN Pathology Chuan-Hsiang Huang, M.D., Ph.D. Deciphering signaling network dynamics using massively multiplexed biosensor tracking in barcoded cells
Lionel Chia, M.Sc. Graduate Student (Pathobiology) Hematology Linda M. S. Resar, M.D. The High Mobility Group A1 Chromatin Remodeling Protein Induces FGF19 and Recruits Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts to Drive Tumor Progression in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma
Ye Eun Jeong, Pharm.D. Graduate Student (Pathobiology) Neuropathology Ahmet Höke, M.D., Ph.D. Downregulated SF3B2 protects the Central Nervous System (CNS) neurons against inflammatory insult
Hannah Kalinoski, B.S. Graduate Student (Molec Micro & Imm) Immunology Daniela Čiháková, M.D., Ph.D. Myosin specific TRM cells mediate increased severity of immune checkpoint inhibitor myocarditis
Yini Li, Ph.D. Research Fellow Immunopathology Shuying Sun, Ph.D. Epitranscriptomic dysregulation in C9ORF72-ALS/FTD
Katie Marshall, B.S. Graduate Student (Pathobiology) Neurology Mohamed H. Farah, Ph.D. Examining Axonal Regeneration of ALS Patient IPSC-Derived Motor Neurons
Daniel Monaco, B.S. Graduate Student (Pathobiology) Immunopathology H. Benjamin Larman, Ph.D. Profiling serum antibodies with a pan allergen phage library identifies key wheat allergy epitopes
J. David Peske, M.D., Ph.D. Housestaff Immunopathology Nilabh Shastri, Ph.D. Regulation of Antigen Processing by Inflammation Induced Isoforms of ER Aminopeptidases
Megan Wood, B.S. Graduate Student (Molec Micro & Imm) Immunology Daniela Čiháková, M.D., Ph.D. Macrophage PD-L1 expression protects from severe collagen induced arthritis

Excellence in Clinical Research

Presenter Title Division Senior Author Poster Title
Gabrielle Bailey, M.D. Housestaff Cytopathology Erika F. Rodriguez, M.D., Ph.D. The Value of Second Opinion Consultation in Non-Gynecologic Cytopathology

Excellence in Translational Research

Presenter Title Division Senior Author Poster Title
Ariel Isser, B.S. Graduate Student (Biomedical Engineering) Immunopathology Jonathan P. Schneck, M.D., Ph.D. Artificial T Cell Help to Enhance Cancer Immunotherapy
Cherub O. Kim, M.D. Housestaff Clinical Chemistry Zhen Zhang, Ph.D. A More Statistically Robust Approach to Machine Learning Model Development and Validation under the Constraint of Small Datasets
Robert Kruse, M.D., Ph.D. Housestaff Transfusion Medicine Aaron A.R. Tobian, M.D., Ph.D. A point of care, semi-quantitative red blood cell agglutination assay for detecting antibodies against SARS-CoV-2


22nd Annual Department of Pathology Young Investigators' Day - May 2020

Top Three Presenters in their Category

  • Basic: Mohanraj Sadasivam, Ph.D.
  • Clinical: John Lin, B.S.
  • Translational: David Clark, Ph.D.

Excellence in BASIC RESEARCH

Presenter Title Division Senior Author Poster Title
Mohanraj Sadasivam, Ph.D. Res Fellow Immunopathology Abdel Rahim A Hamad, DVM, Ph.D. A mutually beneficial relationship between double-negative (DN) T cells and renal epithelial cells explains selective accumulation of DN T cells in the kidney
Rizan Ahmed, Ph.D. Res Fellow Immunopathology Abdel Rahim A Hamad, DVM, Ph.D. Role of X cell-secreted mAb (x-mAb) in the pathogenesis of Type 1 Diabetes (T1D)
Tianyu Cao, B.M. Grad Stud
Neuropathology Philip C-Y Wong, Ph.D. Validation of TDP-43 splicing repression as a therapeutic strategy for ALS- Frontotemporal Dementia
Zahra Omidian, DVM, Ph.D. Res Fellow Immunopathology Abdel Rahim A Hamad, DVM, Ph.D. An unexpected role for x-mAb in inducing anti-insulin antibodies; provides new insights into T1D mechanism
J. David Peske, M.D., Ph.D. Housestaff Immunopathology Nilabh Shastri Shaping of the peptide-MHC Class I repertoire by human ER aminopeptidases
Taejoon Won, Ph.D. Res Fellow Immunopathology Daniela Cihakova, M.D., Ph.D. Autoimmunity against Cardiac Self-Antigen Drives Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor-Associated Myocarditis Development
Megan Wood, B.S. Grad Stud
(Molec Microbio & Immunol)
Immunopathology Daniela Cihakova, M.D., Ph.D. PD-L1 on macrophages protects from severe collagen induced arthritis in females


Presenter Title Division Senior Author Poster Title
John Lin, B.S. Res Asst GI/Liver Pathology James R. Eshleman, M.D., Ph.D. Improved microsatellite instability detection in endometrial and prostate cancers using long mononucleotide repeat markers
Rajeswari Jayakumar, M.D. Clin Fellow Heme Path Amy S. Duffield, M.D., Ph.D. Pathologic Findings in Patients with Refractory B-Lymphoblastic Leukemia Treated with Blinatumomab


Presenter Title Division Senior Author Poster Title
David Clark, Ph.D. Res Fellow Clinical Chemistry Hui Zhang, Ph.D. Integrated Proteogenomic Characterization of Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma
Jiayu Chen, B.A. Grad Stud
GU Pathology Angelo DeMarzo, M.D., Ph.D. An in situ atlas of mitochondrial DNA in mammalian tissues reveals high content in stem/progenitor cells
Nicolas Giraldo-Castillo, M.D., Ph.D. Housestaff Surgical Pathology Kathleen Burns, M.D., Ph.D. Transposable Elements and the Tumor Immune Landscape in Human Cancer
Ariel Isser, B.S. Grad Stud
Immunopathology Jonathan P. Schneck, M.D., Ph.D. A Nanoparticle Platform to Expand Antigen Specific CD4+ T cells for Cancer Immunotherapy
Janielle Maynard, Ph.D. Res Fellow Kidney/GU Pathology Karen Sfanos, M.S., Ph.D. Targeting P2X4 Purinergic Receptors in Aggressive Prostate Cancer
Stefano Negri, M.D. Res Fellow Surgical Pathology Aaron James, M.D., Ph.D. Human perivascular stem cells prevent bone graft resorption in osteoporotic contexts by inhibiting osteoclast formation
Khoa Pham, M.D. Res Fellow Neuropathology Eric Raabe, M.D., Ph.D. Novel prodrug of 6-diazo-5-oxo-l-norleucine suppresses MYC-driven medulloblastoma growth and induces apoptosis
Yangying Zhou, M.D. Med Stud Clinical Chemistry Qing Kay Li, M.D., Ph.D. Mapping Human Cancers using Mass Spectrometry-based Data Independent Acquisition (DIA). A Tissue-based Global Proteomic Analysis


21st Annual Department of Pathology Young Investigators' Day - March 27, 2019

Top Three Presenters in their Category

  • Basic: Ahmed Rizwan, Ph.D. & Bo-Ran Choi, M.S., DVM
  • Clinical: Stefani Thomas, Ph.D.
  • Translational: Nicolas Giraldo-Castillo, M.D, Ph.D.
    *Two Basic Top Presenter Awards given due to tie ratings

Excellence in BASIC RESEARCH

Presenter Title Division Senior Author Poster Title
Rizwan Ahmed, Ph.D. Research Fellow Immunopathology Abdel Rahim A Hamad, DVM, Ph.D. Analysis of antigen-receptor sequences of a unique lymphocyte reveals a T cell-neoantigen encoded in a public BCR of T1D patients
Bo-Ran Choi, M.S., DVM Graduate Student
Neuroscience Shanthini Sockanathan, Ph.D. Neuronal GDE2 promotes oligodendrocyte maturation via modulation of neuronal Wnt activity
Weiwei Cheng, M.D., Ph.D. Research Fellow Neuropathology Shuying Sun, Ph.D. CRISPR-Cas9 screens identify DDX3X as a modifier of C9ORF72 GGGGCC repeat-associated non-AUG
Janelle Montagne, M.S. Graduate Student
Immunopathology H. Benjamin Larman, Ph.D. Ultra-Efficient Short Read Sequencing of Immune Receptor Repertoires
Zahra Omidian, DVM, Ph.D. Research Fellow Immunopathology Abdel Rahim A Hamad, DVM, Ph.D. Breaking the 101 rule of adaptive immunity: Cloning and expression of Immunoglobulin and TCR from the same lymphocyte in type 1 diabetes
Tim Nieuwenhuis, B.S. Graduate Student
Cardiac Pathology Marc K. Halushka, M.D., Ph.D. Highly Specific, Highly Expressed Genes Contaminate the GTEx Dataset
Mohanraj Sadasivam, Ph.D. Research Fellow Immunopathology Abdel Rahim A Hamad, DVM, Ph.D. Activation and Proliferation of PD-1+ Kidney Double-Negative T Cells Is Dependent on Nonclassical MHC Proteins and IL-2
Srona Sengupta, B.S. Graduate Student
Immunopathology Scheherazade Sadegh-Nasseri, Ph.D. Characterizing the MHC-II immunopeptidome of HIV using a cell-free antigen processing system and peptide:MHC-specific antibodies


Presenter Title Division Senior Author Poster Title
Stefani Thomas, Ph.D. Clinical Fellow Clinical Chemistry William Clarke, Ph.D. Harmonization of a targeted mass spectrometry assay to measure thiopurine metabolites for the optimization of leukemia therapy
J. David Peske, M.D., Ph.D. Housestaff Surgical Pathology Elizabeth Thompson, M.D., Ph.D. Adenosquamous Carcinoma of the Pancreas Shows an Active Tumor Immune Microenvironment with Expression of Multiple Immunosuppressive and Immunoregulatory Molecules
Maria Adelita Vizcaino Villalobos, M.D. Research Fellow Neuropathology Fausto J. Rodriguez, M.D. Clinicopathologic Features and Assessment of ADAM3A Gene Copy Gain by FISH in Conjunctival Squamous Cell Carcinoma and its Precursor Lesions (Carcinoma in Situ/Conjunctival Intraepithelial Neoplasia)
Derek Allison, M.D. Clinical Fellow Cytopathology Lisa M. Rooper, M.D. Standalone p16 Immunohistochemistry is a Suboptimal Surrogate for HPV Status in Cervical Lymph Nodes: A Prospective Clinical Experience


Presenter Title Division Senior Author Poster Title
Nicolas Giraldo-Castillo, M.D., Ph.D. Housestaff Surgical Pathology Janis M. Taube, M.D., M.S. Defining the Impact of PD-1/PD-L1 Axis Expression in Melanoma Using Multiplex Immunofluorescence Paired with a Flow Cytometry workflow
Tricia Cottrell, M.D., Ph.D. Housestaff Surgical Pathology Janis M. Taube, M.D., M.S. Pathologic Features of Response to Neoadjuvant Anti-PD-1 in Resected Non-Small Cell Lung Carcinoma (NSCLC): A Proposal for Quantitative Immune-Related Pathologic Response Criteria (irPRC)
Emily Maggioncalda, B.S. Grad Student
Medicine, Infectious Diseases Gyanu Lamichhane, Ph.D. Progressive Mycobacterium Abscessus Lung Infection in C3HeB/FeJ Mice Associated with Corticosteroid Administration
Antje Arnold, Ph.D. Research Fellow Neuropathology Eric Raabe, M.D., Ph.D. Inhibition of the mTOR and MAPK Pathways Suppresses Growth, Induces Apoptosis, and Decreases Vascularity in Pediatric Low Grade Glioma
Eva Shrestha, B.A. Grad Student
Kidney/GU Pathology Karen S. Sfanos, Ph.D. Presence and Consequence of Bacteria in Infected Radical Prostatectomy Tissues and In Vitro Modeling
Regina Kwon, M.D., Ph.D. Housestaff Kidney/GU Pathology Andres Matoso, M.D. Characterization of adult unclassified renal cell carcinoma


20th Annual Department of Pathology Young Investigators' Day - March 14, 2018

Top Three Presenters in their Category

  • Basic: Daniel Ardeljan, B.S.
  • Clinical: Danielle Hutchings, M.D.
  • Translational: Brad Poore, Ph.D.

Excellence in BASIC RESEARCH

Presenter Title Division Senior Author Poster Title
Daniel Ardeljan, B.S Med Stud/Grad Stud
(Human Genetics)
Heme Path Kathy Burns, M.D., Ph.D. The cost of retrotransposition: identifying synthetic lethal interactions in LINE-expressing cells
Jacqueline Brosnan-Cashman, Ph.D. Res Fellow GU Path Alan Meeker, Ph.D. ATRX loss induces hallmarks associated with alternative lengthening of telomeres (ALT) in human glioma cell lines in a cell line-specific manner
Mindy Graham, Ph.D. Res Fellow GU Path Christopher Heaphy, Ph.D. Functional knockout of ATRX or DAXX permits the Alternative Lengthening of Telomeres (ALT) mechanism in prostate cancer cells
Xuezhou (Snow) Hou, B.S. Grad Student
Immuno Daniela Cihakova, M.D., Ph.D. The intricacies of cardiac networks: cardiac fibroblasts facilitate changes in monocytes to determine heart failure outcomes
Janelle M. Montagne, M.S. Grad Student
Immuno Ben Larman, Ph.D. A Novel Approach to T cell Receptor Repertoire Sequencing
Mohanraj Sadasivam, Ph.D. Res Fellow Immuno Abdel Hamad, D.V.M., Ph.D. Conventional T cells drive local proliferation of non-classical kidney DN T cells by provision of IL-2
Srona Sengupta, B.S. Grad Student
Immuno Scheherazade Sadegh-Nasseri, Ph.D. Assessing non-classical antigen presentation in HIV-infected CD4+ T cells
Robin Welsh, M.Sc. Grad Student
Immuno Scheherazade Sadegh-Nasseri, Ph.D. Investigating a role for the MHC class II accessory molecule HLA-DO in autoimmune disease
Byung Woo Kim, B.S. Grad Student
Neuropath Lee Martin, Ph.D. Human Superoxide Dismutase 1 (SOD1) is a Nuclear Protein With Chromatin-Binding Properties: A Possible Novel Mechanism in ALS Pathogenesis
Nikolas Ziogas, M.D. Res Fellow Neuropath Vassilis Koliatsos, M.D. Characterization of the cellular and molecular mechanisms of primary traumatic axonal injury in the mouse with high-resolution anatomical methods


Presenter Title Division Senior Author Poster Title
Danielle Hutchings, M.D. Housestaff GI Path Ralph Hruban, M.D. Cancerization of the pancreatic ducts: Demonstration of a common and under-recognized process using immunolabeling of paired duct lesions and invasive pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma for p53 and Smad4
M. Herman Chui, M.D. Res Fellow GYN Path Russell Vang, M.D. Clinicopathologic and molecular features of metachronous ovarian serous borderline tumors and subsequent serous carcinomas


Presenter Title Division Senior Author Poster Title
Bradley A. Poore, Ph.D. Grad Student
Eric Raabe, M.D., Ph.D. Metabolic profiling in pediatric low grade glioma identifies glutathione depletion after mTORC1 inhibition and validates everolimus and carboplatin as a potential combination therapy
Allison R. Hanaford, Ph.D. Res Fellow Pediatric
Eric H. Raabe, M.D, Ph.D. In vivo metabolomics reveals a potentially potent combination therapy for MYC-driven medulloblastoma
John Hickey, Ph.D. Grad Student
(Bio Eng)
Immuno Jonathan Schneck, M.D., Ph.D. High Throughput Enrichment and Identification of Rare Antigen-specific CD8+ T cells
Stefani Thomas, Ph.D. Clin Fellow Clin Chem Hui Zhang, Ph.D. Conservation of clinically-relevant biological signatures of high-grade serous ovarian cancer across proteomic platforms


19th Annual Department of Pathology Young Investigators' Day -March 23, 2017

Top Three Presenters in their Category

  • Basic: Yuseke Kageyama, M.S. and Jonathan Ling, B.S.
  • Clinical: Kevan Salimian, M.D., Ph.D.
  • Translational: Youngran Park, B.S.

*Two Basic Top Presenter Awards given due to tie ratings

Excellence in BASIC RESEARCH

Presenter Title Division Senior Author Poster Title
Yusuke Kageyama, M.S. Clinical Staff Neuropathology Juan Troncoso Study of Amyloid Beta: Before Plaque and Tangle
Jonathan Ling, Ph.D. Graduate Student
Neuropathology Philip C. Wong Cryptic Exons are Repressed by a Family of Repeat-Binding Splicing Factors
Daniel Ardeljan, B.S. Graduate Student
(Human Genetics)
Hematologic Pathology Kathleen H. Burns Expression of LINE-1 Interspersed Repeats Causes Cytotoxicity
Xuzhou (Snow) Hou, B.S. Graduate Student
(Molecular Micro
and Immunology)
Immunopathology Daniela Cihakova In Vitro Fate Mapping Reveals Monocyte and Macrophage Subsets' Role in the Pathogenesis of Dilated Cardiomyopathy Development
Nicola Diny, Ph.D. Graduate Student
(Molecular Micro
and Immunology)
Immunopathology Daniela Cihakova Eosinophil-Derived IL-4 Drives Progression of Myocarditis to Dilated Cardiomyopathy
Yingwei Hu, Ph.D. Research Fellow Clinical Chemistry Hui Zhang GPQuest: A Software Tool for Automated Analysis of Mass Spectra of Intact-Glycopeptides
Aneesh Donde, B.S. Graduat Student
Neuropathology Philip C. Wong Splicing Repression is a Major Role of TDP-43 in Motor Neurons
Rizwan Ahmed, Ph.D. Research Fellow Immunopathology Abdel R. Hamad Discovery of an Autoreactive Lymphocyte that Bear an Invariant BCR and αβ TCR in T1D Patients


Presenter Title Division Senior Autor Poster Title
Kevan Salimian, M.D., Ph.D. Housestaff Cytopathology Elizabeth Montgomery Definition of Barrett Esophagus in the United States (US): Support for Retention of a Requirement for Goblet Cells
Mariya Sivay, Ph.D. Research Fellow Transfusion Medicine Susan H. Eshleman Characterization of HIV Seroconverters in a TDF/FTC PrEP Study: HPTN 067/ADAPT
Maria Adelita Vizcaino, M.D. Research Fellow Neuropathology/
Ophthalmic Pathology
Fausto Rodriguez Clinicopathologic Study of Granular Cell Astrocytomas
Marissa White, M.D. Housestaff Surgical Pathology Ashley Cimino-Mathews GATA-3 is Negative in Endosalpingiosis: A Useful Marker in Distinguishing Metastatic Breast Carcinoma from a Benign Mimicker
Yunjie Li, M.D. Housestaff Surgical Pathology Peter Argani Re-Evaluation of 32 "Unclassified" Eosinophilic Renal Cell Carcinomas in Young Patients


Presenter Title Division Senior Autor Poster Title
Youngran Park, B.S. Graduate Student (Pathobiology) GYN Pathology Ie-Ming Shih and Tian-Li Wang Precision Medicine by Applying Radiation Therapy and PARP Inhibitor in ARID1A Mutated Neoplasms
Ventzi Hristova, Ph.D. Clinical Fellow Clinical Chemistry Hui Zhang and Daniel Chan Biomarker Discovery by Proteomic Analysis of Ubiquitin Modification in Ovarian Cancer Cells
Yohan Suryo Ramanto, Ph.D. Research Fellow GYN Pathology Tian-Li Wang ARID1A Regulates Chromatin Structures and Transcription Networks, Causing the Invastion Phenotype of Gynecological Malignancies
Michael Haffner, M.D., Ph.D. Housestaff Kidney/GU Pathology Angelo M. DeMarzo Absent in Melanoma 1 (AIM1) Suppresses Actin Cytoskeletal Remodeling, Cell Migration, and Micrometastatic Dissemination
David Clark, Ph.D. Research Fellow Clinical Chemistry Hui Zhang Comprehensive Analysis of Protein Glycosylation from Prostate Cancer Cells Using Automated Methods to Release Glycans and Glycosite-Containing Peptides


18th Annual Department of Pathology Young Investigators' Day - March 30, 2016

Top Three Presenters in their Category

  • Basic: Nelson Song, B.S. and Jonathan Ling, B.S.
  • Clinical: Lisa Rooper, M.D.
  • Translational: Michael Haffner, M.D., Ph.D.

*Two Basic Top Presenter Awards given due to tie ratings

Excellence in BASIC RESEARCH

Presenter Title Division Senior Author Poster Title
Nianbin (Nelson) Song, B.S. Graduate Student
Immunology Scheherazade Sadegh-Nasseri MHC class II antigen-processing chaperone H2-O shapes CD4 T cell receptor repertoire
Jonathan Ling, B.S. Graduate Student
Neuropathology Phil Wong, Ph.D. PTBP1 and PTBP2 are cryptic exon repressors
Mindy Kim Graham, Ph.D. Research Fellow GU Pathology Alan Meeker and
Christopher Heaphy
Generating and characterizing novel prostate cancer cell lines that employ the Alternative Lengthening of Telomeres (ALT) telomere maintenance
Tatsuo Hata, M.D. Research Fellow GI/Liver Pathology Michael Goggins Cyst fluid telomerase activity predicts the histologic grade of cystic neoplasms of the pancreas
Rosie Jiang, B.S. Graduate Student
GYN Pathology Richard Roden Spontaneous and vaccine-induced clearance of Mus Musculus Papillomavirus1 (MusPV1) infection
Byunghak Kang, D.V.M. Graduate Student
Oncology Stephen Baylin Oncogenic BRAFV600E drives stem cell niche factors independent growth and tumorigenic transformation in colon organoids
Chih-Ping Mao, B.S. Graduate Student
GYN Pathology TC Wu Release of self-DNA underlies the adjuvant effect of chemotherapy and facilitates synergy between antigen-specific vaccination and immune checkpoint blockade
Yoshihisa Matsushita, Ph.D. Research Fellow GI/Liver Pathology James Eshleman Improved differentiation and chemoresponses of pancreatic adenocarcinoma in hanging drop culture
Youngran Park, B.S. Graduate Student
GYN Pathology Ie-Ming Shih and
Tian-Li Wang
The caretaker role of ARID1A, a chromatin remodeling protein, in DNA repair and cancer development
Corey M. Porter, B.S. Graduate Student
Kidney/GU Pathology Karen Sfanos The Induction and Silencing of Lactoferrin, a Putative Prostate Cancer Tumor Suppressor Gene, in the Early Stages of Prostate Neoplasia and Progression
Bo-Yi Sung, M.D. Graduate Student
Immunopathology Jonathan Schneck Wnt Signaling Induces Polyfunctional Human CD8+ T Cells Associated with PRMTs Expression
Robin A. Welsh, M.S. Graduate Student
Immunopathology Scheherazade Sadegh-Nasseri Exploring a possible role for the MHC Class II accessory molecule H2-O in the development of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis


Presenter Title Division Senior Autor Poster Title
Lisa Rooper, M.D. Housestaff Surgical Pathology Ashley Cimino-Mathews Identifying Targets for Reducing Immunohistochemical Utilization: an Audit of 18,760 Cases
Allison B. Chambliss, M.D. Clinical Fellow Clinical Chemistry Mark Marzinke Rapid Screening for Targeted Genetic Variants via High-Resolution Melting Curve Analysis
Genevieve M. Crane, M.D., Ph.D. Clinical Fellow Hematologic Pathology Amy Duffield Macrophages in Post-Transplant, Relapsed Classical Hodgkin Lymphoma are Donor-Derived
Thomas J. Gniadek, M.D., Ph.D. Housestaff Transfusion Medicine Karen King Passenger Lymphocyte Syndrome Due to Anti-D: Diagnosis, Clinical Course and Quantitative Analysis of Hemolysis
Armen Khararjian, M.D., M.B.A. Housestaff Surgical Pathology Alex Baras The utility of intraoperative gross examination of colorectal resections: a retrospective review of 200 sequential cases
Emily R. Nelson, M.D. Housestaff Surgical Pathology Ashley Cimino-Mathews Reactive Squamous Metaplasia in the Breast: A 20-Year Review with Emphasis on Features Distinguishing Benign Metaplasia from Malignant Lesions
Elizabeth Thompson, M.D., Ph.D. Housestaff Surgical Pathology Ashley Cimino-Mathews PD-L1 Expression and the Immune Microenvironment in Primary Invasive Lobular Carcinomas of the Breast
Kevin M. Waters, M.D., Ph.D. Housestaff Cardiac/Autopsy Pathology Marc Halushka Implementation of the New AECVP/SCVP Aorta Consensus Grading Scheme


Presenter Title Division Senior Autor Poster Title
Michael C. Haffner, M.D., Ph.D. Housestaff Kidney/GU Pathology Angelo DeMarzo Molecular evidence that invasive adenocarcinoma can mimic prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN) and intraductal carcinoma through retrograde glandular
Javier A. Baena-Del Valle, M.D. Research Fellow Kidney/GU Pathology Angelo DeMarzo Human telomerase RNA component (hTR/TERC) is consistently overexpressed in prostate cancer, required for cell proliferation and is positively regulated by MYC (c-Myc)
Jacqueline A. Brosnan-Cashman, Ph.D. Research Fellow GU Pathology Alan Meeker ALT-positive pediatric high grade glioma cells display chemosensitivity to ATR pathway inhibition
Marija Debeljak, B.S. Laboratory Tech
(functions as student)
GI/Liver Pathology James Eshleman Observed Haplotypes in Three Populations for Five Loci
Nicola Diny, M.S. Graduate Student
Immunopathology Daniela Cihakova The eotaxin-CCR3 pathway recruits eosinophils to the heart during eosinophilic myocarditis
Allison R. Hanaford, B.S. Graduate Student
Neuropathology Charles Eberhart DiSCoVERing innovative therapies for rare tumors: Combining genetically accurate disease models with advanced in silico analysis to identify novel therapeutic targets
Heidi A. Hempel, B.S. Graduate Student
Kidney/GU Pathology Karen Sfanos Low Intratumoral Mast Cell Number and Density are Associated with a Higher Risk of Prostate Cancer Recurrence
Harpreet Kaur, Ph.D. Research Fellow Neuropathology Charles Eberhart The transcriptional modulator HMGA2 promotes glioblastoma tumorigenicity and increases sensitivity to ATR inhibitors
Brad A. Poore, B.S. Graduate Student
GI/Liver Pathology Anne Le Nanotechnology-enhanced delivery of a glutaminase inhibitor: new treatment for pancreatic cancer
Samantha L. Semenkow, B.Sc. Graduate Student
Neuropathology Charles Eberhart Immune co-stimulatory blockade permits human glioblastoma xenografting in immunocompetent mice: model validation with MRI and bioluminescence imaging
Shisheng Sun, Ph.D. Research Fellow Clinical Chemistry Hui Zhang Comprehensive analysis of protein glycosylation using N-linked glycans and glycosite-containing (NGAG) method