Frequently Asked Questions
We've compiled a list of frequently asked questions along with their answers. We hope this is helpful to you.
Can Johns Hopkins request my material for a second opinion?
A request for a second opinion must come from the patient or the patient’s treating physician. This request cannot come from Johns Hopkins Pathology.
I don't want my doctor to know that I'm asking for a second opinion. Do the results of my consult have to be shared with my physician?
Your results need to be sent to a physician. You can choose which physician that is but we cannot accept a consult without a referring physician.
Do I have to include the original pathology report with my slides?
Yes. We need the original report to make sure that the material we are looking at is yours. However, we will not be biased by the original report when rendering a diagnosis.
I am not a Johns Hopkins patient. I want you to render my initial diagnosis. Can I send my actual biopsy material to Johns Hopkins?
No. We can only render primary diagnoses for Johns Hopkins patients. All other material must be handled as second opinion consults from other institutions.
Does Johns Hopkins pay to ship material to Johns Hopkins?
We do not cover shipping costs for material to be sent to Johns Hopkins but will pay for all material to be returned to the original hospital.
How do I pay for my consult?
A bill will be sent to your home address after we see your case and your report has been finalized.