Professor, Pathology, Medicine and Epidemiology, Johns Hopkins University
CP Resident: 2006-2009
Chief Resident: 2008-2009
Dr. Tobian is a Professor of Pathology, Medicine and Epidemiology at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and Bloomberg School of Public Health. He is also Director of Transfusion Medicine and Deputy Director for Clinical Affairs of the Department of Pathology here at Hopkins. Prior to enrolling in the Johns Hopkins University Department of Pathology residency program, Dr. Tobian completed a combined MD/PhD program at Case Western Reserve University. Dr. Tobian's Ph.D. thesis focused on antigen processing, but he also spent one year living in Papua New Guinea studying lymphatic filariasis. During medical school, he was also elected into the Alpha Omega Alpha (AOA) Honor Medical Society.
As a clinical pathology resident, Dr. Tobian joined the Rakai Health Sciences Program (RHSP), a collaboration between Johns Hopkins University and scientists at Makerere University in Uganda. Dr. Tobian has established a research program evaluating the epidemiologic risk factors of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. Working closely with the RHSP, Dr. Tobian has evaluated the efficacy of male circumcision to prevent sexually transmitted infections in men and their female partners. These results have been published in the New England Journal of Medicine, JAMA, Lancet, AIDS, Journal of Infectious Diseases, and Lancet Infectious Diseases.
As a faculty member, Dr. Tobian has received research support from the National Institutes of Health, Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and the United States Agency for International Development.
Dr. Tobian is board certified in clinical pathology and transfusion medicine, and attends regularly on the transfusion medicine service. He is involved in resident teaching and numerous research projects with residents and clinical fellows.