Program Overview
The Pathobiology PhD Program provides a strong background in pathology and related basic sciences leading to a PhD in Pathobiology. Students are prepared for academic, research, teaching, and biotechnology careers in the translation of basic biological principles to solve specific disease problems.
We train the next generation of PhDs in biomedical science that is directly relevant to human medicine and health care. Our training uses evidence-based approaches modeled after the active learning strategies of the Johns Hopkins Medicine medical student Genes to Society curriculum.
Stipend & Benefits
Our PhD students pay $0 in tuition and are provided a yearly stipend. The stipend for the academic year 2024-2025 is $47,000. The Program/Department also provides health, dental and vision insurance for students.
At the beginning of the second year, the mentor assumes support of the student. The estimated yearly expenses covered in full by the University is over $115,000 per student.
Timeline by Semester
The average time to degree for Pathobiology PhD students is 5.65 years. During this time, you will participate in rotations and courses, our journal club—which trains students to assess scientific publications—and an annual one-day Pathobiology retreat replete with student poster presentations, alumni and faculty research talks and a keynote speaker.
Follow the timeline below and read the course descriptions to see how you will spend your time during each semester of the program.
Requirements for Graduation
Applicants and accepted students are not required to designate a specific programmatic area of interest at the time of application or matriculation, and laboratory rotations across multiple disciplines are typical for students in the Program. However, special funding opportunities may be available for applicants with commitment to a particular discipline.
Students are expected to abide by the Graduate Student Honor Code, the School of Medicine Academic Integrity Policy, as well as the policies of their individual graduate programs.
A Complete List of Requirements to Get Your PhD
- Pass all Required Core courses (B or above). Students with C grades must re-take courses. The tutorial support of students with remedial coursework by students in Pathobiology is excellent. We have never had an academic crisis with students.
- The 3 required rotations must be completed during the first year. Each research rotation will be about 3 months in length, with the exception of summer rotations. A full-time summer rotation (July-August) will be about 2 months in length, should the student decide to matriculate early (beginning of July). Below is a general suggested schedule for your rotations for August matriculation:
- Rotation 1: Mid-September through December (approx. 14 weeks – you have 2 holiday weeks during this time)
- Rotation 2: January through March/mid-April (approx. 14 weeks – 1 week for Spring Break in March)
- Rotation 3: Mid-April/June through July (approx. 12-13 weeks)
- Successfully pass the Graduate Board Oral Examination (GBO) exam with no outstanding conditions. The (GBO) exam tests the breadth and depth of the graduate student’s scientific knowledge and readiness to begin thesis research. These exams are administered by the Pathobiology program through an oral examination committee comprised of 5 faculty members. The exam takes place during October of their second year, after the student has completed all required first year courses.
- Required Annual Thesis Committee Meetings between the PhD student and their advisor to discuss (a) the student’s academic progress and next steps; (b) the student’s professional development goals and any next steps; (c) how the advisor can be helpful regarding each.
- Required Individual Development Plan Form: Per new NIH guidelines, it is required that each student also complete an Individual Development Plan form with his/her mentor each year. Discussion details will be recorded on thesis meeting forms and Individual Development forms which are filed by the program coordinator.
- Successfully complete one (1) approved elective course per year beginning with the second year of graduate studies. Course approval as an elective course for Pathobiology students should be obtained from the Pathobiology director before enrollment in the course.
- Responsible Conduct of Research: All graduate students must receive training in the Responsible Conduct of Research. The SOM policy is based on NIH guidelines. Students must receive training that includes a significant small-group component, allowing issues to be openly discussed with fellow students and faculty discussion leaders. A training program should provide at least eight hours of class time – with at least three hours of face-to-face discussion. Introduction to Responsible Conduct of Research course, offered through the Office of Graduate Biomedical Education and is required for all first-year students. It is the responsibility of each program to design a curriculum that satisfies these requirements for the student to fulfill throughout the remainder of their PhD. Contact the Associate Dean for Graduate Biomedical Education with any questions. The subject of RCR training and education includes:
- The scientist as a responsible member of society
- Research misconduct
- Data acquisition and management
- Authorship and publication practices
- Mentor and trainee responsibilities
- Use of animals in research
- Conflicts of interest
- Collaborative research
- Human subjects if applicable
- Successfully complete two translational rotations. This aspect of the program is unique because it is not found in other graduate programs at JHU. Each Translational Research course is designed to acquaint graduate students in approaches that are used clinically. Students broaden their education by carrying out patient related activities.
- Receive approval for writing dissertation from thesis committee. Most students have about 4 thesis committee meetings.
- Submission materials for Program completion: student's updated CV; abstract with a title page and a separate page listing the names of dissertation referees; letter of approval from two dissertation readers; approval of final dissertation from library and all final grades. See student handbook for full listing of required graduation materials.
- Submit all materials to School of Medicine Registrar for approval by the MA/PhD Committee.
Additional Expectations of Students
All students are expected to read and follow the Graduate Student Policies from the School of Medicine.
Courses, Rotation & Thesis
Students will take all core courses listed as required in Course Descriptions per their academic year, unless otherwise determined by the Program Directors. Course exemptions are available for Johns Hopkins MSTP students and post-DVM fellows who join the Pathobiology graduate program. Please contact Dr. Lee Martin ([email protected]) and Stacey March ([email protected]) with questions regarding course exemptions. Students will refer to their individual academic year Student Handbooks for specific academic and procedural requirements. These can be found on the Program Intranet.
Award of the PhD Degree at Johns Hopkins
From the Doctor of Philosophy Board website:
There are three fundamental requirements for the Ph.D. at Johns Hopkins University: dissertation, residence, and oral examination. None of these requirements can be modified or changed without unanimous consent of the schools and the Provost.
- Dissertation: All Ph.D. students must successfully complete a dissertation in accordance with relevant school and program guidelines prior to degree conferral.
- Residence: All Ph.D. students must successfully complete one academic year (two consecutive semesters) of full-time study, on campus, prior to degree conferral.
- Oral Examination: All Ph.D. students must successfully pass a required oral examination conducted by five faculty members. The oral examination must include at least two members from outside of the candidate’s home department, one of whom serves as chair of the examination committee.
- Responsible Conduct of Research: All graduate students must receive training in the Responsible Conduct of Research. The SOM policy is based on NIH guidelines. Students must receive training that includes a significant small-group component, allowing issues to be openly discussed with fellow students and faculty discussion leaders. A training program should provide at least eight hours of class time – with at least three hours of face-to-face discussion. The subject of RCR training and education includes:
- The scientist as a responsible member of society
- Research misconduct
- Data acquisition and management
- Authorship and publication practices
- Mentor and trainee responsibilities
- Use of animals in research
- Conflicts of interest
- Collaborative research
- Human subjects if applicable
It is the responsibility of each program to design a curriculum that satisfies these requirements. Contact the Associate Dean for Graduate Biomedical Education with any questions.
It is university policy that all program and university requirements for the Ph.D. must be completed in 9 years or less from start of the doctoral program. The Doctor of Philosophy Board reviews all candidates for the Ph.D. prior to conferral to ensure that the fundamental requirements for the Ph.D. have been met within the timeframe delineated.
Students of Faculty Who Leave the School of Medicine
Students whose thesis advisors/mentors have left Johns Hopkins may continue their project under the Johns Hopkins faculty member and graduate with a Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins if they meet all requirements. The thesis advisor/mentor must continue their financial obligations (stipend, insurances, and supplies). If a student moves out of state with the mentor, the student is still considered a Johns Hopkins graduate. The student can waive Johns Hopkins health insurance if covered by a similar plan at the mentor's institution.
It is desirable that students working outside the country or at distant sites within the country return to Johns Hopkins for thesis advisory committee meetings. However, if that is not possible, students will submit written progress reports yearly which will be evaluated by the thesis advisory committee. The committee will then send a written evaluation of the document to the student and place a copy of the evaluation in the student's Pathobiology file.